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27 May 2021

I know! I know! I know!

 I've been a very naughty blogger.  Or to be more accurate, I haven't been a blogger at all for thirty five days.  Thank you to everyone who has emailed me to check.  And I think thank you to Jack who has been nagging at me but I'm not so sure about thanking him for that.  

I have no reason, not even an excuse so, if you don't mind, I'll stop grovelling and get on with a post.  

I'll start with a couple of updates concerning my health.  First of all, I've had my second vaccination but as yet I haven't a blood test for antibodies.  I am still being very careful where I go.  I shop only early morning or very late evening, I won't go into cafes etc.  I am, however, making myself go out.  The infection rate around here is very low so the risk will be correspondingly low and I need to face the world again.

Secondly I have now seen a surgeon about my very dodgy knee and I will be having surgery fairly soon.  He said within a couple of months but I'm not holding my breath on that one.  A lot of people have had surgery delayed over these last fifteen months and I'm no longer in agony.  I want it to be done but I really don't mind waiting.  I've stopped my walking around the block but I have started to make more effort to lose weight and this year I have lost two stones (28 pounds) so I am very happy with that.  If I have to wait I will lose more weight!

So, I have decided that it is time for a bloggy challenge to myself.  This is only my twentieth post this year so I have decided that by the end of June I will have doubled that number.  Nagging is allowed, other than by Jack


  1. Well if you're like everyone else isolating there's not been a lot to write about so you're forgiven for your 35 days absence.. good you're had your second vaccination, does give us a better feeling pf safety but I agree with you, there's still a reason to be cautious. Well done on the weight loss, that's what I need to do but the stress of trying to move is too mind consuming to diet as well!

    1. I can remember the stress of moving and I never want to do it again! Best wishes on yur move.

  2. I am happy to see you back blogging. I hope when they test for antibodies you will have them so you are protected. You lost a good amount of weight, congratulations on that.

  3. Good to have you back. How does your garden grow? what has Jack been up to.

    1. The garden will be the subject of at least one post, probably several

  4. Good to see a post from you and big well done on the weight loss - something I need to do if only I had the willpower!

    1. Just don't have the "willpower strengthening" which I had - intense pain! The memory of that has been very motivating!

  5. Glad you are OK. Well done on the weight loss, that will certainly help with the knee issue. Regards to ajack

    1. Thank you. Jack will probably have read this by now but he's not confident enough on his tablet to leave a comment so I will say thank you for him!

  6. Very good weight loss! Lockdowns have meant that there is very little of interest to write about, except gardens, which might get a bit boring if one wrote too much!

    1. Thank you! It's true that there is less to write about but others seem to have managed better than me.

  7. Good to 'see' you, Mary, and very well done on the weight loss. It seems that most people have put weight ON during the enforced inactivity of lockdown so you deserve to feel extremely proud of yourself. You're definitely not alone in neglecting your blog - mine had many gaps! Hopefully there will be more to write about as the weather improves and (hopefully) we are allowed to wander further afield.

  8. Thank you! Last year was the first time since 2014 that I weighed more at the end of the year than I did at the start but I've lost all last year's gain and a lot more this year so I am happy. I'm hoping to get out more but I heard of another case not to far away yesterday so I may be on my own for a bit longer.
