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02 February 2021

Adjusting 9 The Diary

 It's 327 days since I decided it might be prudent to withdraw into my little bungalow.  Soon after we had our first lockdown and we're now on lockdown three.  It feels different.   It no longer feels unfamiliar, just boring.  

One thing I noticed during 2020 was that I didn't know where my Filofax was.  I just never needed it!  Back in March I cancelled all my appointments and I hadn't made any more.  It was like the early days of retirement when time seemed to stretch to infinity and the only thing to be decided was whether to have my main meal in the evening or at midday.

Somehow, though, the "feel" of my seclusion is changing and my diary is again close by my side.  The days are becoming distinguishable now.  Mondays I have a zoom coffee with a friend.  Friday I do a Denman on line craft course.  (Denman is part of the Women's Institute.)  I have a fortnightly knit and natter.  A gas engineer is coming to do routine maintenance.  Somehow more structure is happening, appointments are being made, so the Filofax is needed.

And I am having to adjust again.  My seclusion isn't likely to end for quite a while but when it does I will again need to fit in my activities with other people.  The Filofax will be important and maybe it's good to get used to walking in step with others again.


  1. I love my filofax, and it was odd to have it so empty last year. We usually get our refills in the summer and they start filling up for the next year very quickly. This year the pack sat unopened on my desk till December. But there are events and dates (two family babies and a friend's wedding) to put in. Not to mention Moving Week. Our times are in His Hands - safer than a Filofax !!

  2. Its amazing how important our diary is even throughout lockdown booking in whatsapp and zoom meetings. Even the doctors appointments are via the screen these days.

  3. I have my planner and don't know what I would do without it. Must remember to put down the Zoom class I am taking in a couple of weeks. Glad you found your filofax.

    God bless.

  4. I'm finding othe rthan work-which jam packed, I was missing even simple things on the calendar. Meal planning is something to put ont hte calendar. Calling friends-something to put on the calendar. I hope you like your Zoom meet-ups

  5. Glad to hear life is picking up for you. We have been doing FaceTime calls with friends on a fairly regular basis at meal times which keeps us connected.

  6. I used to use a Filofax but in the past couple of years I've scaled down to a Moleskin Weekly Planner. I love my lists so even though don't have a lot of social activities at the moment - I do have my PT WFH, some volunteering over Zoom, and my social walks each week. I like the fact that there is a full page each week where my plans/projects/reminders can neatly fit - it all helps me to feel as though I'm still functioning well!

  7. I just write appointments on my calendar hanging on the wall in my kitchen. Like you said, not too many these days. I have 2 Zoom Bible study groups each week, with people I used to see in person. Remember that? I got my first vaccine shot 2 weeks ago and have an appt. for my second shot.
