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02 November 2019

That was October

Well, I've had a lovely month!  I celebrated my birthday.  I visited several friends and went out for lunches with several more.  I still have a house full of flowers. 

I visited Jack!  Actually I visit him fairly often but this time his great grandson was there and his parents (Jack's grandaughter and her husband) were happy for me to bless baby - always a lovely thing to do.  I'm happy to report that Jack is well but at the moment he has considerable family responsibilities so he won't be back on the blog any time soon.  (He still reads it!)

One rather sadder visit was to a friend who has Alzheimer's.  Again I visit most months but it really is a horrible disease.  I can feel my friend disappearing and am determined to enjoy her company for as long as I can.  Visiting people who have dementia is difficult.  C still knows me but her view of the world and the people around her is very strange now.  However, she still likes me to hold her hand and listen.  I hope that if ever I get that dreadful disease someone will do the same for me. 

I've joined with a friend twice for board games sessions.  We have a light meal and a lot of conversation and it's one of my favourite ways of spending a day.  

Health wise it hasn't been one of my better months.  I had a flare up of an on-going digestive problem and I've had tendonitis in my shoulder for several weeks.  This means that of four limbs only one is still in reasonable nick!

I've led worship several times.  Most churches in the area are now adequately staffed but they all need help when someone is ill or needs a break.  As I've been filling in in various places for so long it's quite easy for me to stand in without much hassle,  

So now we're in November.  I've got plans!


  1. It's always good to have friends to visit with!
    I'm down to one good limb too. Makes life interesting!
    Happy November.

  2. I also hope that I have someone to hold my hand and listen to me if Alzheimer or Dementia strikes. Getting to bless a baby must be a joy.

    God bless.

    1. It's lovely to have the privilege of caring throughout life. I also prayed with and blessed the lady with Alzheimer's. At one time (before I retired) I was her priest.

  3. Your post about Alzheimers hits home here. We have a close friend with that diagnosis. He's managing, knows he has it though that will all change in the years ahead. It's a cruel disease and tough on the remaining spouse.

    1. Yes, it's very sad. I think that my friend has forgotten the word Alzheimer now but she knows the world is very odd and she knows it is frightening.

  4. I am a volunteer visitor at a retirement/memory care home and one lady I just read children's books to and she smiles. Alzheimers and other like conditions are so horrible, I agree. How lovely you blessed the baby, that is the other side of life's journey.

    1. oth visits were blessings (for me) in different ways. Thank you.
