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31 March 2019

The Tree

This tree stands in my front garden and I can see it from my chair.  I planted it in memory of my Father, my Mother and my only sister.  My nephew helped me choose it several years ago and I paid for it using garden vouchers which he had given me for Christmas.  I think of it as my family tree.

Last year was a little disappointing because it flowered during a spell of windy weather and lost its petals in just a couple of days but this year it has flowered better than ever.  

Today I have taken a service at Nettleton, a village less than two miles from home.  It was a very special church for me to go for Mothering Sunday for it is the village where my Mother was brought up during her primary school years.

As is fairly common in churches these days I was given a bunch of flowers for Mothering Sunday and I have brought them home and again I can see them from my chair.  Most years I have provided the flowers myself as an acknowledgement of all the kindness I receive from the congregations where I have the privilege to minister but this year it felt right to be on the receiving end.  Thank you, Nettleton Church.

And thank you to parents everywhere for all the love and self-sacrifice you give to your children  I salute you.  


  1. Beautiful tree and beautiful flowers

    1. Both are being appreciated by me! This means I spend a lot of time in my chair.

  2. How nice to go back to the Church where your Mother went in her younger years. The blossom on the tree and the flowers are beautiful. Thank goodness for technology so that I was able to keep in touch with my family.

    1. Yes, technology is wonderful I've ever had children but my late sister's son (living i Belgium) rang me. Skype and the like must be God-sends to you.

  3. Some lovely thoughts, Mary. I had a lovely day with my granddaughters. As they have no mum I am drafted in and it is lovely. Have a good week. Mandy

    1. I had a call from m nephew - again no mum. Felt lovely.
