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28 February 2019

February flew past!

I know that February is the shortest month of the year but so often it feels so long!  It's Foggy February, February Fill-dike, and other dismal sayings abound.
The Petwood Hotel, Woodhall Spa

But this year has been different.  I was brought up short yesterday by an email from Michigan telling me that the weather there was blustery cold, windy, snowy as usual.  Here we've had the warmest February on record, definitely warm enough for taking my cuppa outside and sitting on the swing.

Some time ago I resolved to have some Jam Months, a time of Jam today, and leaving yesterday and today to their own devices, and February has been Jam Time again.  I had a lovely break at Woodhall Spa, an experience which I shall definitely repeat.

A tank at The Deep, Hull

I visited The Deep, the marine aquarium at Hull.  It was very busy with school parties and I'm not sure I will be repeating that experience any time soon.  I had hoped for a quiet, meditative day but I shall have to seek peace and quiet somewhere else.

Someone not to talk to at Normanby Park
I went to Normanby Hall, my first visit there for a very long time.  Maybe I shall try again in the summer.

I went to a book launch, seven lunches out, a WI meeting, Trefoil Guild and card making and had three competition wins.I've been busy with church activities and seemed to be well booked up for  some time to come.

Not surprising that February flew past!


  1. No wonder February flew past, you busy little Bee!!! But I have to say that those wonderfully warm and sunny days, very unseasonal, brought out the people in their droves. Car parks at National Trust venues filled up fast and often the Tea Rooms were caught out by the hordes of hungry and thirsty customers.
    As it was half-term, I took my two youngest grandchildren for days out - but headed for quieter parts where they could run, climb, play ball and generally wear themselves out while I wandered along at a more sedate pace. Benji chose to gallop along with the kids for the most part, so at the end of the day, it was a peaceful, quiet ride home in the car - with three sleeping bods in the back!

    1. Good to hear that Benji can enjoy running with children.

  2. What a busy and fulfilling month.

  3. Since I am new to your blog I had to click the link to fine what jam time was. I love it! Even with parties and noise I would have enjoyed The Deep.

    1. I can recommend jam, for the soul if not for the hips!

  4. You had a wonderful month. I really like the wicker person sitting on the bench.

    God bless.

    1. He is a new addition since I last visited Normanby.

  5. We visited the Depp when living in Lincolnshire, I must admit to finding it a little expensive and like you say packed and noisy. Certainly not the experience we had hoped for. Sounds like a fun packed month.

  6. It's expensive for a single visit but the ticket lasts for a full year so I might try again when I'm north of the river. I'd like to feel a little more positive about it than I do now!

  7. it sounds like your t February was full of good fun! And those wins! That is awesome!

    1. I never knew that my sixties could ever be this much fun!
