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21 January 2019

View from the plughole

It's a very long time (thirteen days) since I wrote anything on this blog so, as it must seem as though I have gone down the plughole, I think I must report in!

Actually, the plughole is where I haven't been.  January isn't the most exciting of months but it has been OK.  I've been out for lunch SEVEN times!  I was amazed when I checked and counted.  That's included post Christmas catch-ups, a board game session and a wonderful afternoon tea.  

I've been to the Women's Institute and Trefoil Guild.

My average daily step count is the highest it's been since October 2016.  I've managed to work out a figure-of-eight course around three rooms and two tables so I can walk quite a lot indoors.  

I've conducted two Sunday services, one baptism and one funeral.  This is a lot less than I did last month but December I did too much.  I was rather over-tired.  It's hard to admit but I'm just not as young as I used to be.  

I've knitted, crocheted, sewn, made cards and generally messed around.  I've made a start on Christmas presents!  Lovely!

I've done quite a bit of pastoral visiting, written letters and emailed or phoned several people for whom I have a special concern.

And I am happy.  No January plughole for me this year!

(Update especially for Jack's followers.  He's just sent me a poem)

Mary, Mary, quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
Not with silver bells or cockle shells
But with beetroot, beans and brassica all in a row amongst the flowers.

Have a nice day.  And that includes you, Jack.


  1. You have been busy and that means no time to sit at the computer and write posts. Perfectly okay.

  2. OOh, thanks, Marcia. I like your reasoning!

  3. Glad to read that both you and Jack are doing well. The chickens are keeping me busy it is quite a hike to get to their coop three times a day. Twice for feeding and then to close them up for the night.

    1. I hope they're obliging with the odd egg. You need energy from somewhere.

  4. You have been busy! I like walking indoors as well.

    1. I feel safer walking indoors. Actually I've got a treadmill in the garage and I really ought to dust it down.
