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29 September 2018


Otherwise known as That Was September That Was. and Here's What I Hope For October

September was quite refreshing in that the extreme heat (by local standards) of summer 2018 was over and activity became possible again. I did quite a bit.

I undertook watering someone else's garden for a week.
I went to a crochet group three times and made a start on a ripple blanket.
I went to to two Women's Institute meetings and two Trefoil Guild meetings.
I baptised a giggling baby girl, led worship on three Sundays, conducted a harvest festival and one funeral.
I had six meals out, usually leisurely lunches with friends.
I went to my craft group and made three cards.
I finished knitting the body of a sweater (my first real garment knitted in the round) and picked up the stitches to knit the first sleeve.
I finished knitting three hats and posted them to the Sailors Society.
The garden is more-or-less ready for winter.

the sewing machine had a hissy fit so the skirt I had hoped to sew and the Christmas stocking I had been asked for are still in the same state.
I didn't get around to making a freezer inventory.
The dining room is worse than ever.

October will be a new month.

My hopes and dreams so far.

Start scanning the family tree (which my late sister researched) so I can distribute to my cousins at Christmas.
Knit at least a sleeve on the sweater
Persevere with the crochet.
Take a harvest festival.  (How did I let myself get landed with that?)
Get my sewing machine back and get the skirt made.
Make the stocking and wrap the stuff to go in it.
Make that freezer inventory.

Another lazy month!


  1. Not exactly a lazy month! I used to love Harvest festivals before it all became tinned goods, which I know are for practical reasons, but I do love the look and smell of apples and real vegetables.

    1. I've got a Harvest Festival tomorrow. (I've reported that I have done it in my list above.) It's a very rural place - the village is up a rough track and the church up an even rougher one - and I'll be interested to see what happens.

  2. Thanks, Sam. How could I have forgotten that I made 94 Christmas cards? Also, I've booked a card-making session for October.

  3. I do miss the harvest festival service. The Church of Scotland don't do it, which is where we worship these days. You certainly seem to have achieved quite a lot, not a lazy month at all.

    1. I'll sing "We plough the fields" extra loud on your behalf. I'm at Holton le Moor on Thursday.
