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18 January 2016

Welcome back, mojo!

A very quick joy today!

I went to a dressmaking class today at Jane White Couture Tuition and am now well on the way to being the possessor of a new skirt.  Unfortunately although the spirit was willing the flesh was struggling rather painfully today and I could only stay for about two and a half hours but I can do the rest at home.

So today's pleasure was sewing, whether at home or with others.  It's ages since I made myself a garment and I feel as though I've got something of my mojo back and I've booked another session next week.


  1. Hope you are feeling a little better soon. This cold weather is not good for the pain. Spending crafting time with others sounds like fun.

  2. Rest up and don't overdo. Please post a picture of finished project-even though I can't create, I enjoy seeing others handiwork..

  3. I am sorry you were feeling down today. Our weather has been cooler today and that, coupled with the medication, has made my arthritis go crazy. I have been thinking about making some clothes as well -- a photo of the skirt when you get done -- I need inspiration!
