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21 January 2016

Not as light-hearted

I've woken up to a very cold morning here, I think the coldest so far of this winter.  I haven't got dressed yet but that is idleness.  When I do decide to get a move on the bathroom is nice and warm and I shall have a lovely hot shower and then don several layers of clothes.

The reason I've called this post "not as lighthearted" is that my joy today is that I never have to choose between heating and eating.  I can afford both.  I am not extravagant.  I don't usually keep the heating on all day as layering up clothes and having wraps near my chair for when I sit down mean that I can stay cosy without needing to flick the switch.  Today the switch will stay flicked and I don't need to worry.  And that means I can enjoy looking through the window at the beauty of the frost.

But others are not so fortunate.  Their homes are not so cosy and their budgets are tighter.  Some have medical conditions which mean that they feel the cold more.  It is a sad fact that hospital admissions rise in cold snaps.

So I will enjoy my cosy day, but it will be a tempered joy.


  1. Thoughtful post - I admit I have been thinking the same as I moan about the rise in temperatures that is coming - I personally enjoy the cold and I hate to see the daffodils coming though so early. But I think of the poor refugees in camps, for whom the cold is potentially life threatening - and I can sacrifice the daffodils this year.

  2. Certainly, reading your post gave me a lot to be thankful for too, I am blessed that I don't have to worry about food or heat either.

  3. A good reminder about the joy of basics.
