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04 January 2016

Joy cometh in the morning - and the evening

There are some joys which it is all to easy to take for granted, the things which give pleasure but they are just so everyday.  Things which we would miss if they were not there, but we hardly notice that they are there.

One of those small joys is my lovely bed-linen.  Years ago I had a little money to spare and I treated myself to two sets of pure cotton duvet and pillow cases.  I can't remember how much I paid but I remember gulping a bit when I handed over the money.  

And fifteen years on they continue to give me great pleasure.  They are pure white and pure cotton with a single line of broderie anglais as a trim.  They have been boiled and washed, dried outside or in the tumble drier and every time I wash them I iron them, a job which takes quite a while!  And then I make up my bed, always with a smile on my face.

For those sheets and duvet covers are pure joy.  They feel so wonderful.  Today I have put a fresh set on my bed.  My bottom sheets (again white cotton) wear out but the duvet covers look as good as new.  It is worth the labour of ironing, worth whatever it was that I paid for them.  They start and end every day and give me great joy.


  1. There is nothing quite as cherishing as pure cotton bedlinen. I too bought some in France years ago, and it is still fresh and lovely.

  2. I also know that feeling and I'm really, really tempted to treat myself to more cotton linen. Cotton bedding fairly crackles with freshness when you slide into it!

  3. I just bought a new set of all cotton organic sheets and they are lovely! Unfortunately I got the last set there and will have to look at another store for some more but I love them.

  4. We only use white, pure cotton sheets and duvet covers - they get softer and more comfortable the older they get don't they? A number of times I've spilled some of my tea or food on them which has resulted in me having a panic! Now when I have tea, or eat in bed, my husband gives me a tea cloth (bib!) to tie round my neck.

    1. The great joy of pure white is that you can boil or even bleach and they still look good. Coloured or patterned stuff would look tattier but cotton just gets softer. And I too often wear a bib!

  5. I do not own any pure cotton sheets- but I do love the thrill of getting into a bed freshly made up with clean sheets [even if polycotton]

  6. There is nothing nicer than a freshly made bed with clean linen. I too always iron all my bedding and enjoy the comfort.
