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25 March 2022


 No, I'm not talking about Jack today but rather about the new Rascal in my life.  I hope Jack doesn't get jealous!

For the last twelve years I have used a Trundle Truck or, if you use official terminology, Mobility Scooter.  My TT means freedom to me so when mine became very unreliable, I had to have a new one.    

So, forward The Rascal Vista.  Like all scooters, it is quite an expensive bit of kit, so I am deeply grateful to the many people who, over several centuries, have given money for grants to help elderly clergy in the Diocese of Lincoln.  Many of them would never have seen a trundle truck ever but I hope they would be glad to know that they have given freedom back to me.  I've never applied for charitable funding before (I've always seen myself as a giver rather than a taker) but a scooter which suits my needs is around £2000 and I need a new one every 5-6 years so I decided to go for it.  

And it is wonderful!  I've been shopping this morning without any fear that I would be stranded if the trundle truck broke down.  And I am able once again to plan days out this summer.  Fantastic!


  1. That is one neat looking vehicle. How many miles did you put on the old one?

    1. I don't know! They don't have milometers but it must be several thousand miles.

      Letter received, thank you.

  2. I love it and so glad you can now feel secure. I really need one, I think. I talked about it on my latest blog post. It is lovely and I like the color.

    1. It's great> I can go to so many places which would be impossible without a TT.

  3. That's wonderful! Please don't feel like you don't deserve getting a little love back after all you do for others. I'm glad you feel like you have your freedom-deserved by you and all.

    1. I know, and I've said the same thing to a lot of people over the years, but it still seems very odd. I decided that as II have additional needs it would be good to have additional funding. £2000 is a lot for me to save.

  4. That is so good, very pleased for you.

  5. So happy for you, Mary. It's bad enough breaking down in a car, but when a breakdown means you completely lose your mobility, it has to be much worse - very scary. That Rascal looks like a good, sturdy vehicle and, I hope, a reliable one that will stand you in good stead for many years. Here's to a summer of adventure and exploration.

    1. yes. and maybe one day I will come to Cornwall again and bring it with me.

    2. Oh I do hope so - and also hope I can improve my own mobility to accompany you. This staying at home and avoiding people is not good for mental or physical health, but Covid cases are rising swiftly again. My youngest son, who lives 6 miles away from me in Cornwall, was very poorly with Covid for 9 days but has just gone back to work; eldest son (who lives in Hampshire) has just tested positive and feeling rough. I'm now officially a hermit!!!

  6. What a lovely new way of getting around for you. To have peace of mind when out and about is wonderful.

    God bless.

    1. It is. When I am without a TT I feel imprisoned.

  7. Wow I want one of those! So how far will the battery take you. I'm still using my wheels but I like to think I could still get around if I couldn't walk far.

    1. According to its manual the Rascal Vista will do over 20 miles to one charge but that would depend on a lot of factors eg weight of user, type of terrain. When my previous scooter was in good nick I found I was happy for 8-10 miles but would be anxious beyond that. And batteries last 2-3 years before replacement provided you look after them properly.
