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02 April 2021

So much kindness - and a chocolate hen

 Last Sunday I thought I wasn't going to be able to get our of bed as the pain was so bad.  I've always got pain but this was something completely new.  Oral painkillers and gel and two walking sticks got me to the loo and my chair.  Monday and Tuesday were equally bad.  Wednesday I had a delivery from Sainsbury and had to ask the man to transfer everything into bags so that Annie-the-home-enhancer could deal with them.  He was so lovely that I burst into tears!  Annie arrived just as he was leaving and he told her he was sorry he couldn't give me a hug.  

Annie was wonderful and insisted I went to the doctor so I made an appointment.   Off we went (after she'd cleaned the house and sorted me out!) and I struggled into our local health centre,  I saw a lovely new doctor who was so concerned that he fetched a wheelchair and pushed me out to Annie's car after he had checked me over and decided that I needed to go to A & E.  Annie was way over the hours I pay her for but she insisted she would take me to the hospital and she came in with me as wheelchair pusher. (I was allowed an assistant even under covid regulations.)   It has been decided that I need a knee replacement urgently, (although urgent is problematic under present conditions) so I have now come home with lots of pain relief until this can be sorted.  

Annie has five children so someone had been caring for them while she was looking after me.  That someone was the wonderful Lizzie.

I was supposed to be leading a service on zoom but Revd Eileen sorted that,

A neighbour came around as soon as I got home and others have been (or phoned) since.  Jack is coming in the next few days and no doubt he will sort me out!

Various friends have come up with a wheelchair, a smaller walking frame for use indoors, two cushions to protect against pressure sores and a raised toilet seat.

And a chocolate hen.  

There is so much kindness in our world.  

And such a lot of it comes my way.


  1. I'm sorry to hear that you've lived with pain for a long time, and that it's now so serious, but thankful you are surrounded by people who care enough to give you all the support you need in an emergency. Lovely to hear about so many people being so supportive, so thank you for sharing it. I hope your surgery happens quickly.

  2. Thank you, Sara. One of my neighbours has just popped in to check I am OK.

  3. Pain isn't just pain, its scary too. Take care, how lovely of your friends to help. I have arthritis and altho I had my left knee replaced 12 years ago, it probably needs doing again and I have my unhealed right arm so pain killers are a must.
    Hope you're able to get comfortable and enjoy that chicken!

    1. The chicken will find a good place to nest on Sunday!

  4. Love and prayers winging your way. So sorry to read of your pain, but glad of all the good people around you who are supporting you through this. Despite everything, may you be blessed with many Easter joys xx🙏❤️👍🐣💐

    1. Many thanks. Yes, it's wonderful that there are so many good people around and I will rejoice on Easter Day.

  5. Oh, I am so sorry that you are in that much pain. I hope that you get your surgery quickly.

    I am glad that so many are rallying around to give you a hand. Enjoy that chocolate hen.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you. The chocolate hen will be allowed to sit on her speckled eggs until Sunday but after that she may disappear.

  6. I'm so sorry for what you are experiencing. I'm glad the lovely people in your life are there for you.

    1. Isn't it wonderful that when I need people they are there!

  7. So sorry to read this about your knee and the pain it has caused you. Do you know yet when the replacement will happen? I hope this isn't a result of the walking you've been doing around the block. Glad there are those close by to help you out. Healing prayers sending your way. Happy Easter.
    p.s. I owe you a letter.

    1. I have to go back to my GP to discuss the replacement before I actually see the surgeon and maybe get a date. The pain has now subsided considerably. I won't be walking until I have talked to the GP either. My Easter will be one of great thankfulness that the friends all rallied and the meds did their job.
      I'll look forward to the letter.

  8. Mary, I'm so sorry that your pain has increased and hope the new meds will help to ease it. May the replacement knee be in place before too long and that all goes well with it. Gentle (((((((HUGS))))))) from me. x

    1. Thanks, Rosie. I've a feeling I will be in a fairly considerable queue as the NHS catches up with itself but at least the process has now been started. And thanks for the ((((((HUGS))))))!

  9. Oh dear, what a time of pain you endured earlier this month. How good so many rallied to your side, I can tell you are well loved.
