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20 November 2020

It makes a change!

 I used to enjoy walking.  A lot.  I would walk to and from school,  I would go out for walk of a couple of miles before bedtime.  I walked my dog.  Walking was good thinking time, time to set my mind in order.

But sadly as the result of an accident nearly fifty years ago walks of more than half a mile or so became impossible about fifteen years ago.  A mental breakdown ten years ago left me with panic attacks if I walk more than two hundred yards.

I'm OK around my house and garden so every day I walk up and down the hallway in five minute bursts to walk about two thousand steps over the course of a day but it is always boring and sometimes quite difficult. 

Being stuck at home has made me decide to see how far I can push my boundaries.  How many steps can I manage around the house?  And even, could I walk around my block?  

A couple of months ago when Jack was here I ventured out, taking my mobile phone and making him promise that he would bring his car and rescue me if necessary.  It took me twenty minutes and five "sitting downs" on my walker and he didn't need to rescue me but I hadn't tried again.

This morning Claire-from-along-the-road phoned and suggested a walk.  

I managed it!  It took just fifteen minutes and "three sitting downs".  I deserve this extra sit-down!


  1. That is amazing, you definitely deserve a sit down. Going out of our comfort zones is so hard.

  2. Excellent! I hope the weather - and some company - allow you to do this on a more regular basis.
    A number of years ago, after a diagnosis of RA and fybromialgia, my rheumatologist told me to "use it or lose it". Even if I only made it to the end of the driveway and back, I was to do it every day and to stretch myself as able. It took a while but it got easier and now I can walk up to 5km at a time (using my cane and with some rests along the way) and I can easily do 5,000 steps and often manage 10,000 - with rests.
    I have always been a walker (don't drive) so having this ability to is something that I truly appreciate.
    Give yourself a ton of credit - and keep going!

  3. That's brilliant - hope you can do it again whenever the weather allows

  4. Well done! It is important to listen to our body and our minds, while trying to push our comfort level just a bit.

  5. Hey, you'll get there. Just taking those first steps were all you needed. Three sit downs are not bad at all, chance to catch your breath, look around and converse with your walking partner.
    By the way your letter arrived on Thursday. I'll send mine with Christmas card very soon. Two weeks to settlement on house and our move in beginning. Middle granddaughter is already making her plans to sleep over and this is the one who has tried twice and gone home both times at bedtime!

  6. Good for you! It seems I can only walk with a partner. I moved and lost my partner, so I rarely go out.

  7. Well done, Mary; I wish you all the very best in continuing to walk as much as possible. All credit to you for doing it now, in the darker, greyer, gloomier weather; just wait until the sunshine returns and the ground stays dry and you'll be building up your routines and getting stronger.

  8. How wonderful. You go girl.

    God bless.

  9. I am so glad you are making amazing progress in walking outside your home. I think part of the key is the baby steps concept. When I was house bound 45 years ago I did that, I walked to the sidewalk. Then another day I walked to the corner. Then to some shops several blocks away. I am cheering for you.
