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02 May 2020

Assessing April

First of all I know I am very "lucky".  I'm putting lucky in inverted commas because part of my "luck" is that I have no family to worry about.  I live alone and whilst I have cousins and a  nephew I know that it's much more difficult for people who can't get their usual hugs from children or grandchildren in other households.  I miss my regular hugs too though!

Being isolated is not so different from my everyday life. I have long had about four days a week when I have no face to face conversation so I know how to manage that.  My income is more assured than many - I'm not able to earn much extra money now but my pensions are fairly safe.  But quite apart from that I have found some sources of joy.

Each week I have been out to clap for carers as do most of my neighbours.   We live on a quiet cul-de-sac so we all go out into the road and it's also the weekly chat. 

I've been gently busy at home.  My main project during lock down has been scanning and sorting photographs.  I want to get photobooks printed of the stuff I judge to be worthwhile.  I've set aside various packs of photos for other people, especially cousins, if the pictures are relevant to them but the vast majority have gone in the bin after scanning.  Many weren't even worth scanning.

I have bought plug plants and brought them on ready to plant in my garden.  It also means that Jack has even more to moan about!  He likes that!

I was sad and disappointed not to take the funeral of Jack's lovely wife but we will sort something which will happen later.  I've also been sad at another death where I would have taken the funeral and at the impending death of someone else.  The awkwardness of final illnesses and bereavement at the moment has caused extra anguish for many

I've been improving my digital skills and have been having video calls every evening with my cousin's wife.  I find that comforting as someone would know if something has gone wrong.  I also make quite a few calls each week to other people who may be alone and/or struggling.

I've been inspired and amazed by Captain Tom!

And I've enjoyed reading blogs.  Thanks!


  1. Glad all is well with you. I can.t imagine the pain of going through a funeral without loved ones. It was hard with Dad in hospital and no visitors but at least he is now home safe and sound. We are certainly living in strange times. Take care.

  2. Aren’t the video calls brilliant? I have been able to skype with Bean and I did actually see her because she and her mother decided to camp out in my backyard for a Girl Scout badge. I was a little uncomfortable with it but since nobody has been anywhere I think it was probably ok. She and I are reading a series of books and now she is doing it over skype and it is lovely. I keep trying to look at the good side of this and there is a good side — I can handle the quietness of things vey well. I am sad to say, though, that as Texas is opening up as per our fearless leaders, the traffic has increased by a huge amount and I was really doing fine with less of that.

  3. It seems that you've found a very worth wile project to spend time on. Very cool!
    And it's wonderful to hear that you're keeping in contact with people through it all

  4. Glad that you are doing well. I spent one summer scanning pictures and then scanned pictures from my parents albums. Very worth while occupation.

    God bless.

  5. I enjoy reading your blog, it is a nice way to be in touch with people. Safely! You are being productive scanning photos. I have been shredding documents, Yay! It sounds so sad for the families involved when a death occurs at this time, and for you as you can not be there for them physically. One friend of mine coped very well by cancelling her big church wedding and reception and having a tiny wedding on the local beach. A wedding to remember! The photos she shared show the location was gorgeous.
