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14 December 2019

Advent continues

Most nights, come rain or shine, I've been out to see the various windows which form Caistor's Living Advent Calendar.  It's lovely!  Not only are the windows gorgeous but the mulled wine and mince pies are pretty good too.

Here are a few highlights.  Some windows don't photograph well and I'm no great shakes as a photographer!

This was a tiny window with tiny, tiny figures inside

The Methodist church did a simple but effective nativity scene.  
One bungalow featured owls.  There were actually owls hooting in nearby trees as well!
This house featured a rather ethereal angel

And there are still lots more to see!


  1. That's a great idea and so effective!

  2. I've never heard of a living advent calendar before, such a lovely idea. I love it when a community comes together and stages something like this, a little effort can make a real impact on those who live around us.
