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28 October 2019

How did that happen?

I'm sixty eight!  How did that happen?

I know when it happened - last Wednesday, 23rd October if you really want to know - but I can't believe I've been around for sixty eight years.

I'm having a super life.  I was, my Mother told me, a wonderful surprise as she had almost given up hope of a second child.  I was born into a loving family with just one sister but seemingly countless cousins.  I flourished at school (at least until the sixth form which I loathed) and also enjoyed out of school activities. 

I trained as a librarian and did Voluntary Service Overseas as a librarian in Nigeria, setting up school libraries in the former Biafra.  Maybe being in a motor cycle crash and needing medical repatriation wasn't a good idea though!

I worked in libraries in the UK for several years then joined the Civil Service for a few years before starting full time Christian ministry when I was thirty six. 

I was one of the first women to become priests in the Church of England and I worked in the C of E until I retired when I was fifty eight.

Life has not all been a bowl of cherries (what a boring thought!) but it has been good.

And somewhere along the line I have acquired wonderful friends who sent me all these flowers and more for my birthday!


  1. Wonderful! Happy birthday, you are young yet!
    And how lovely to have such pretty flowers.

    1. Thank you! Yes, the flowers are gorgeous, aren't they!

  2. Happy Birthday. What a full life of service. You are one year younger than me. I'll be 69 in December. We have got lots more years in us!

    1. Thank you - and have an early "Happy Birthday" greeting!

  3. Belated Happy Birthday........What beautiful flowers, enough for every room

    1. I've grouped them all so I can see them from my usual chair.

  4. Happy birthday - what an interesting life you are living. God bless you in the days yet to comd

  5. Happy Birthday and I wish you many more.

    God bless.

  6. Belated Birthday Greetings!
    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your 'potted' history.
    Beautiful flowers, I imagine your house smells like a florist's shop.

    1. Aren't they gorgeous! For these few days each year I feel like royalty!

  7. Belated Happy Birthday greetings. This is a good month isn't it? It was my birthday on Monday and coincided with a public holiday so was extra special. Many happy returns.

  8. And belated happy birthday to you too. Hope it was a good one!
