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13 October 2019

Head above the parapet

Blogland is lovely!  I've had a couple of emails asking if I'm OK and a friend whom I visit has also asked where I've been.  Sorry about the lack of posts.  Truth to tell I had a few days ill a couple of weeks ago and I'm just emerging from three days feeling pretty grotty but it's nothing serious and I just need to get my act together.

This post is just what it says in the title - putting my head above the parapet.  I shall doubtless be back properly before too long but at the moment I feel very tired.  


  1. Get well soon. Sometimes we all need time and space to recuperate. But it's lovely to know that our absence is noticed xx

  2. Hope you're soon better. Love and prayers x

  3. Good to hear from you and that you're on the mend.

  4. Hope you start feeling better soon. I had wondered where you were.

    God bless.

  5. I hope you're feeling back to normal by now, there's so many germs going round at the moment, it's the time of year.
