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02 July 2019

Looking back and moving on

So, June is over and July begins.  How did June go?

I think it's fair to say that June was more than a little damp.  And cold.  I had to have the heating on a couple of times.  However, I still did things.

Early in the month Amy came and we had days out at Gunby Hall and a local spa.  We also talked non stop.  Her visit also involved quite a bit of tidying and decluttering so she could have a bed.

My step count has not been very good this month.  I've been very lethargic and I've found it difficult to get myself motivated to do anything.

I've been in a pew rather than a stall on most Sundays although I have led mid-week worship twice and conducted a really jolly wedding.  

I went to a seaside picnic to celebrate a friend's birthday and our annual family picnic at Clumber Park.  This wasn't well attended but those who went enjoyed it.  

So, on to July.

The weather has improved so I'm hoping to get out into the garden a little more.  It's a whole new month so I have reset my walking target.  I've got a couple of skirts cut out and ready to sew.

And I've got an invitation to a very special event which I will tell you about after it has happened.  


  1. It's hard to realise that we are half way through the year now.

  2. Time is flying by looking forward to hearing about your special event.

  3. I can not believe it is July already. Where did the spring go?

    Looking forward to hearing about your special event.

    God bless.

  4. June here was soo cold. But some heat has finally arrived. I love that you were able to spend some of the month decluttering and then having Amy over. An odd summer month (with the cold and all) will at least be remembered in a special way.
