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03 June 2019

Joyfully into June

I'm looking forward to June but before it starts there's May to be wrapped up,

It's been a busy month.  No funerals - but two baptisms, I conducted services on each Sunday and two  Sundays I took two services.  This is unusual for me and I don't really like doing it but needs must.

It's been a great month for meeting up with friends for coffee and/or lunch.

I've increased my step count to its highest daily average (over the course of one month) ever.

I've been doing a lot in both the garden and the house.

So what does June hold?

Well yesterday I took my final service in The Kelsey Group before their new vicar starts on Thursday.  Apart from a wedding and one weekday service (no sermon needed) I have no bookings this month and I'm rather looking forward to sitting in a pew on Sundays.

I have a friend coming to stay for a few days and I will treat that time as a staycation for me as well.

My garden is calling loudly not just to be worked in but to be enjoyed.

I've got several lunches, picnics, and board games sessions organised.



  1. Baptisms are a wonderful thing in the summer. It seems to fit. My babies all had cold weather baptisms.

  2. You do need a break! Enjoy your friend's visit. I assume you got the room cleared for her stay.

  3. This break will do you good. You have been so busy. Enjoy the time spent with your friend.

    God bless.

  4. Your June is sounding good.

  5. You sound so upbeat I do hope you enjoy the break and take some time for yourself. Take care.

  6. I love your second to last line, "My garden is calling loudly not just to be worked in but to be enjoyed."
    But to be enjoyed... this is what summer is.
