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18 May 2019

Sixteen days

Amy, my friend from Dorset, will be here in sixteen days for a four day break so I've got to get ready!

You may remember The Project which I started earlier in the month but sad to say I haven't done much of it.  Anyway I got stuck in yesterday and thought I had better report back.

Quite apart from making space for Amy to sleep I want to sort out some of my UnFinished Objects to make it a little easier to actually finish them.  So far I've found some Advent bunting, clothes hangers to be covered and used as presents and a crochet blanket.  My hope is that on sunny summer days I'll be able to feel very busy when I sit on my swing all afternoon!

I've also tried to introduce a little order into my home-made cards.  Finished ones tend to get tossed into a box and I can never find a suitable one when I need one so the stash just grows.  I've now utilised some Amazon packaging to create folders for Birthdays, Christmas, Thank you, Sympathy and so on.  I'll see if that helps.

I've sorted quite a bit to list on EBay - competition prizes, craft materials etc and will get them listed.  That's a time consuming business and lower priority than finding space for Amy to sleep!

I'm hoping to get back in there today and I might take a few photos.  Then again I might not. 


  1. Sounds like you have been busy. My craft area is now organised chaos, but I now know where everything is.

  2. I have things piled up stretching back years and they have been nagging at me, so I have listed them and intend to do one inbetween new things I am doing at the moment. That's the plan anyway.

    For the cards I make I bought a plastic box which enables the cards to stand on their edge and have made some decorative cardboard sections so that I can seperate cards for Children, for Her, for Him, Christmas, Notelets and also a section for cards Not finished. I do like to be organised and can't 'work' in chaos.

    Good luck with your organising.

  3. I have a card box with dividers where I sort my cards. Makes it easy to find the ones I need.
    Good luck with your clean out.

  4. I think the folders for each type of card will do just the trick.

    Like you I keep finding unfinished projects, or at least thinking of new projects every single day.

    God bless.

  5. Unfinished projects are what I do best. Nice to know I am not alone.

  6. I'm so excited for your friend's visit! What a wonderful thing to look forward to.
    You say you haven't done much with the project so far but it sounds like you just got a lot done. Great job!

  7. Good luck with your preparations for your friend and crafting. I a neck deep in projects and here I am on the computer.

  8. Sixteen days should be OK, if you do a little each day you will soon be ready for your friend's visit - good luck.
    I have a box with dividers for cards too.
