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06 May 2019

A project

I've got a project!  I needed something to help me break out of my lethargy and it's arrived.  My friend Amy, who lives in Dorset, will be visiting me in June.  I'm feeling excited already.

The lethargy will definitely have to go.  This is the room she will be sleeping in.  Or not if I don't do something about it.  

I keep telling myself that I managed to sort the playroom so I can sort this one too.

I've definitely got a project.


  1. Nice to have something to look forward to. Is there a bed in there somewhere?!

    1. Not yet. I have an electric inflatable to bring in. This room is also my dining room and my sewing room when it isn't the junk room.

  2. Two blogs for the price of one! I have a boxroom in much the same state and now that I'm entering my semi-retirement, I really need to find the motivation too. Shutting the door as I'm passing is all I can muster at the moment! We could do a 'junk-room-a-long' and compare notes!

  3. How exciting a friend to visit. This is sort of how my sewing/crafting room looks right now. I have the energy to do just a bit at a time and so that is how I am attacking. But...and it is a big but, if I had someone coming to visit I am pretty sure I would have to attack the room much more vigorously.

    Looking forward to your next post showing how far you have come on your quest.

    God bless.

  4. Guests always knock me out of any lethargy or procrastination!

  5. That is a job and a half. You need a plan, and a set of short goals, one per sewing area is a mess but the garden is tidy.

  6. What a lovely thing to look forward to, a friend visiting. It will give the sorting out of the room purpose, looking forward to admiring your progress.

  7. We don't have people over often. In fact we've only had people stay the night at our house a few times in all the years BUT I do like how guests can be wonderfully motivating. It will be so nice when your project is complete and your friend is there to visit and you're proud of your hard work and the results! How exciting!

  8. Having a lovely friend to stay is just the incentive you need to get cracking. I'm sure you'll both have a lovely time.

  9. I find that the prospect of company coming - even if just for a meal - really motivates me to get my apt. sorted! I've been in a bit of cleaning slump myself but my building has had painters in redoing the hallways and our apt. doors so yesterday my floor had to have our doors open for a few hours while the doors dried (security was present) and this motivated me to clean up as I knew people would peek in when passing (I know I did :-)
    I knew a professor who said that she and her husband threw a big dinner party once a month as their motivator to clean!
    If the weather ever improves (we are dropping down from 14C to 2C tonight) maybe we'll all be better motivated to get out of our winter slumps!

  10. I can relate, I have an extra bedroom that needs a full cleaning out, new floors, painting of walls, etc. You will be so happy to succeed in your project and then to see your friend in it. So that gives you motivation and a deadline.
