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05 July 2018


To start with the blooming obvious, innit 'ot!   I'm not complaining though.  This is one of the loveliest summers I can remember here in Lincolnshire.  It may be hot but for much of the day there has been a slight breeze keeping life very pleasant.  And best of all it hasn't been sticky at night!

Moving on from the blooming obvious, the blooming garden is flourishing.  In this the hundredth anniversary of the end of the Great War, I have grown a few poppies.  Each morning there are new flowers but they last only a few hours.    

Last year I planted three hebes all of which are flourishing and attracting butterflies. 

To my ears (and possibly yours) all this sounds great but not to everyone.  I called on Jack today and I am definitely in disgrace.  (OK so what else is new?)  Jack loathes both poppies and hebes.  Whoops.

But while I was there I asked him why I he had a plunger on his head at his anniversary "do" as several people had asked.  He reminded me that he had been telling us that one day he had been going around a hardware store and had picked up a plunger and stuck it to his head.  But he couldn't get it off.  Whoops!


  1. So nice to read a post, which does not complain about this summer's heat. :-) Obviously, you are someone who can find the silver lining in the cloud. And that not-sticky-at-night, has helped too. :-)

    I love poppies and they seem very hard to grow here. Although the lady down the street, has no trouble with them. -pout-

    Don't know what hebes are, but if they attract butterflies, that's great!

    And now we know the background story, of the plunger. Ouch! That must have hurt!!!!! ,-)

    1. the three pictures which aren't poppies or Jack are all hebes. Hebes are a large family of low growing evergreen shrubs, very easy to grow and the bane of Jack's life. Hehe!
