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15 July 2018

What's the weather like where you are?

I'll start off with a simple fact that I am British through and through.  Slice me like a stick of rock and it would be United Kingdom you would find written.

What's more I am a yellow belly.  This is not a term of abuse but rather a title of which I am very proud as it says that I hail from the lovely county of Lincolnshire.  My late sister traced the family trees of all four of our grandparents back to the early eighteenth century and I can assure you that few bellies are more yellow than mine.  

So now we've established my credentials I now feel free to talk about the weather.  Anyone reading British blogs over the last few weeks will have picked up that we are having an unusually hot summer.  We Brits like talking about the weather.  A Lot.  

Although I don't usually like hot weather I have to say that this is not as bad as it might have been as we have had some very pleasant breezes and it hasn't been sticky at night.  I can't remember when Caistor last saw rain.

However, I am suffering from 'orrible inertia and can't-be-botheredness and I started to wonder what it's like elsewhere.  I discovered this lot online (places chosen as I know that people from those places have commented).  Temperatures are cited Celsius/Fahrenheit and I have no doubt that it will get hotter as places pass noon. (It's nearly 16.00BST, 15.00GMT)

Toronto 27/80
Grand Haven, Michigan 24/76
St Paul's Minnesota 26/79
Kansas 27/81
Fort Worth, Texas, 30/86
Baltimore, Maryland 28/83
Truro, Cornwall, 24/75
Isle of Lewis, Scotland 16/50
Auckland New Zealand 11/52
Caistor UK 28/82

So, what's the weather like where you are?


  1. Replies
    1. You said everything that needs to be said. It is indeed HOT!

  2. Also hot! Inertia and exhaustion here.

  3. Hot!

    At my age (81), can't stand heat/humidity, any more. So wall a/c unit is keeping it livable. Thankfully.

    A 'Nana'
    Upper NE of US

    1. We have so few really hot days here that no-one has A/C.

  4. Definitely hot in my part of Lincolnshire, although it has cooled a little now. Three cheers for Lincolnshire! My yellow belly looks pale primrose, compared to your rich yellow ochre one. (I have only three generations of yellow belly heritage.)

  5. I think we are 104 today - YUCK - we are in Folsom, California which, believe it or not, is NORTHERN California.

  6. Hmm... that Kansas temperature must have been really early in the morning. It's been pretty close to 100 degrees F most days in the last few weeks. Not nice to be out at all. I'm trying to decide if 91 will be cool enough at 6 p.m. to go out and mow the yard.

    1. Yes, it was your temperature at 16.00GMT. Not sure of your time zone but I am sure I'm glad I'm here!

  7. Quite cool but with little wind, which is unusual for the Isle of Lewis.

  8. It is very hot here -- triple digits all week (F) and on Thursday it is supposed to be 105.

    1. I am staying put! I couldn't take that sort of heat.

      We actually had some RAIN last night!

  9. last week was beautiful with low humidity - that's probably when you saw temp for Baltimore. this week temps higher and too, humidity which makes it feel hotter. each month is hotter than the same last year. climate change is a fact.

  10. My temps were all recorded at about 15.00 GMT on Sunday and I think that would be 11.00 in Baltimore.

    Climate change is definitely a fact. No two ways about it.
