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01 February 2018

Friendly February

I'm a great fan of happiness - I hope that doesn't surprise you!

I don't think happiness just happens (!) but I think it's usually a by-product of something else.  I think we need to seek happiness and cultivate it.

I don't think that happiness can be found on-line, but there are on line "helps".  One of these is Action For Happiness.  I've been using the site on-and-off for quite a while.  They promote ten key areas for cultivating happiness, including things like doing kind things for others, taking care of your body - all things which may provoke the reaction, "Well, duh!" but I sometimes need to be reminded.

I've just discovered that each month they produce a calendar - this month is Friendly February - and each day they make one simple suggestion to help happiness along.  (I've put links to help you find the site and the calendar should you feel inspired.  I tried to put the calendar in this post but Blogger wasn't happy.)  They have promised Mindful March, Active April and so on.

Today's action is Send someone a message to say how much they mean to you.  Well, this is my message.

Thank you for reading my blog and thank you especially if you leave comments.  Thank you for your own blogs and the inspiration they give me.  Thank you to the lovely bloggers I've met in real life and those with whom I have e mail or snail mail contact.  And although I doubt whether he'll read this, Thank you Tim Berners Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, who made possible this wonderful method of meeting other people.


  1. That is such a lovely message and I am so thankful to have met you albeit on line. One of these days we will meet up when I am visiting family. I intend to now send some more messages you are an inspiration.

    1. Thank you! I too wish we had met up whilst you were still living in these parts.

  2. Thank you too for all the interesting posts that you write.

  3. I have certainly enjoyed our international and virtual friendship. Your cards real and e-mailed, makemy days.

  4. How lovely. I act as a language facilitator on Tuesday evenings for students who are here to learn English and for new immigrants so they can improve their language skills and integrate into Canadian society. Each week we pick a topic for discussion and this week's subject was "Charity - Paying it Forward -and Random Acts of Kindness:. It was nice to see that people really do share a sense of wanting to help others and how even a small kindness or a compliment can mean so much to someone.
