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01 February 2018

A New Month

I feel in need of a new month.  January seemed endless.  I don't know why I wasn't expecting that.  Most years I have commented about the bleughness of January on my blog.

But it was not a month of nothing

I went to Normanby and enjoyed the sunshine.

I took two funerals and spoke at a third.  I officiated only once on a Sunday.  

I did a lot of visiting of elderly people (even older than me!).

No crafting to speak of has been done apart from a little knitting. 

I have sorted a new car.

I’ve made a fair start on sorting the garage.

But it's not been a particularly great month.

But February is a whole new month and I've decided it will be a month for me.  Crafting, cooking, pampering, days out - they're all possible.   

Bring it on!


  1. Sounds like lots of things planned for February so hopefully a better month.

  2. I'm with you. Let February begin. I'm starting all kinds of self commitments this month.

  3. I agree with you -- January out -- February in!
