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02 February 2018

February Fitness

Anybody who knows me personally may greet a post about fitness with a delicately raised eyebrow as not only am I not an athlete, I'm not even the person you would ask to fire a starting pistol.  I've never been sporty - but I still need to maintain the level of fitness which I have.

That level is pretty low.  I used to have a dog but can no longer walk a dog so Fido hasn't been replaced.  These days I can manage about a hundred yards on a good day, some days a few painful yards from the car to the house are about as much as I can manage.

But I don't want to give up on myself.  I work on the "Use it or lose it" principle for the abilities I still have.  A few years ago I bought a FitBit One, a handy device to measure steps walked, steps climbed and one or two other fancy bits.  I wear mine very discretely (clipped to my knickers if you really want to know) and I wear it all the time.  I keep a record of how many steps I walk around the house and garden and anywhere else I feel safe walking.  For most people the sort of staggering around I do would not count as "steps" but I am me.

In January 2016 my average steps each day was just 950.  January 2018 I averaged 1650.  One day I managed 3700 but the next day I was in a lot of pain,  For most people my average would be woefully inadequate but for me the fact that I can move more now than I did two years ago is really important.  


  1. Keeping fit isn't as easy as we age, I know that we should both do more walking but actually we haven't the inclination to do it. I love sewing, reading and my pc and all of these things are sedentary. Also if we do walk, as you say, we are crippled the next day, lol

  2. I am right there with you staggering around. Since my knees have been giving me so much trouble, I really can't walk long distances without sitting down. I was doing pretty well but then not so much. I guess we have a lot in common.

  3. Gerard has much the same issues if he walks one day he suffers the next. I have a lot to be thankful for, I am well and able.

  4. I think that's an amazing increase in steps - you should be proud. I don't own a "FitBit" but many of my friends do so if we are out walking I just check in with them before we start.
    Over the winter my walking takes a bit more of a backseat due to our terrible weather. A lot of people do "Mall Walking" but you need a car to leave your boots & parkas in so walking is possible. I am counting the days until Spring - but it will be at least another 6 to 7 weeks I'm afraid.
