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23 December 2017

Eat your heart out, Rudolph

All our local charities seem to make the most of Christmas.

The Lions are very important to Caistor and Christmas is the time when they are really busy.  They take Senior Citizens to the local amateur panto, they have a special sleigh so Santa can visit every street here in Caistor and quite a few of the surrounding villages, they run a Victorian Fair and they create a lot of ways of parting local citizens from their money.  This particular citizen doesn't mind as the Lions make generous grants to a lot of local good causes and without their help far less community events would be held.

We have a very new charity here in Caistor called The Rock Foundation.  The Rock has existed in Grimsby for quite a while and provides facilities for adults with learning difficulties. In Grimsby they provide workshops for woodworking, puppetry, sewing and lifeskills and some of those activities will be provided for the residents of their new premises in Caistor.  At the moment they have a wonderful cafe and a small shop selling sweets and also various hand made things including this lovely wooden nativity set.  It's very clever as all the bits come apart for easy storage.  And as it was only £9.99 I decided it wouldn't break the bank.

And as always in Caistor there are those who give generously of their time and skills.  I mentioned the Christmas trees in church earlier in the month but here is something outside our parish church.   Eat your heart out, Rudolph

1 comment:

  1. I loved the log Rudolf what a feast for the eyes, beautiful.
