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05 December 2017

Christmas memories 4. Letter to Santa

Once December arrived I was allowed to send a letter to Santa.  Best handwriting was called for as were exquisite manners.

Santa made only one visit a year so the present requested had to be carefully considered.  It was always "the present" never "the presents" and I think we were guided by our parents as to what Santa would consider to be a reasonable request.  I was a child of the fifties: more consumer goods were becoming available than there had been in the immediate post-war years but money was a lot tighter than today

The earliest present that I remember asking for was for a till and some pretend money so I could play shops.  I remember promising Santa that I would be very careful with my sums.  I have a feeling Mummy may have suggested that was a good promise to make.  

It may have been that Daddy had some input another year when I asked for a train set. It was a Hornby clockwork set and came with one engine,a tender and two carriages with a simple oval track.  Over the next few years I acquired more engines, rolling stock and track and I think Daddy continued to enjoy it.

After the letter was written it was looked over by Mummy "to check my spelling" before the grand ceremony of sending it up the chimney.  I don't suppose many children can do that today.

Santa always left a reply to my letter when he brought the loot.  But I'll tell you about that another day.


  1. these memories are so precious. I love thinking back about those times.

  2. I was born in 1953 in Edinburgh and my parents always talked about the Christmas I was 3 and all I wanted was a "chocolate baby" (please don't be offended). They had no idea why and I have no idea how they managed to find me a black baby doll in Edinburgh - but they did and I have the Christmas photo to prove it. That was my 1 big present and I loved that doll! Parents are really amazing!
    These posts have brought back a lot of memories.
