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04 December 2017

Christmas Memories 3 The Advent Crown

Yesterday in church it fell to me to light the first candle on the Advent Crown and my mind went back to the first time I ever saw an Advent Crown,

Like many British children of my generation I was an avid fan of Blue Peter.  For non-Brits, Blue Peter is a magazine style programme and is the longest running children's TV programme in the world.  Its style has changed greatly over the years and it is most famous for its "makes".  Back in the day these were usually made of plastic bottles, cereal boxes and sticky back plastic but I suspect they may be a little more sophisticated these days.

Oh how I longed to be allowed to find four wire coat-hangers, four candles, a few baubles and some tinsel to make my own advent crown!  It was never to be.  I had to enjoy that bit of Advent/Christmas vicariously by watching John Noakes (and I think he was the best BP presenter EVER) as he twisted and shaped those hangers, struggled with greenery and tried in vain to get the candles to stand up straight.  I wanted to be there in the studio, helping.  I would show him! 

However, that's where the great catchphrase of Blue Peter came in, "Here's one I made earlier" as I doubt if the one we saw being made would have stood up to being hung and the candles lit.


  1. I always wonder where I could get "one made earlier" whenever I see things made on tv.
