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01 February 2017

Well that didn't go well, did it!

I feel a bit sad that so many people seem to be stopping blogging at the moment, including several whose blogs I really enjoy.  Not only that but January seems to have been a very lean month for posts from quite a lot of people - including me!

I have decided that my aim this month will be February Fun.  I've got a very special day out arranged next week, I've just acquired a new-to-me camera, and life should be good.  The month ends with Pancake Day so provided I am in my own house (see my other blog for why I need to say that) I shall definitely be finishing on an up-beat theme.  I shall interpret "fun" fairly widely to include pleasure and delight in all sorts of things.  No mere foggy February for me!  I feel better just for writing this so if you are reading (which you are!) I hope February's a fun month for you too!


  1. Looking forward to helping my daughter move house next week - and a Pancake Party on Shrove Tuesday. And working hard to blog regularly too

    1. Not sure if moving house (or helping someone to do so) is fun, but good luck to you! Pancake Day is a better bet.

  2. It seems January just flew by for me and I suspect February will do as well being a short month. We are having very spring like weather here so I am thinking of doing some planting -- that is a stretch for me the non-gardener!

    1. It's rather miserable weather here at the moment, January brought quite a lot of fog. I'm feeling a bit jealous of being able to even think about planting but come high summer I shall be glad to be here rather than Texas!

    2. You are exactly right! Hubby and I went shopping this morning and I was commenting how I was really enjoying our non-winter but to remind me of it in July when we are all melting away!

  3. January always seems to slow me down, coupled with illness etc, there has been little to write about. Maybe February will bring inspiration!

  4. I hope that February will be a good month for you!
