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12 August 2015

News of Bobo

Yesterday I met up with Alice, my old school friend who is also Bobo's human.  (I told the tale of Bobo on this blog in the early part of this year - click on the Bobo tag for his story.)

Alice lives a couple of hours drive from Caistor and Alice doesn't drive so we need to choose somewhere to meet that she can get to fairly easily and we decided to meet in Newark which has good rail connections.  I drove there and collected Alice from the station and then we had a lovely day looking at Newark.

Newark is one of those places I often pass through or around on the by-pass but it really is a lovely town.  It has a colourful history of well over a thousand years and recently the National Civil War Centre opened there.  Alice and I didn't visit that but we did go to the castle which was a Royalist stronghold during the civil war.

An inviting passage
Glorious hanging baskets
 The history we were interested in was much more recent - what each of us had been up to since we last met!  We both found Newark to be a beautiful town generously decorated with hanging baskets.

Nottingham Building Society
  We were both very impressed with these building society premises which were originally a pub.  

(New) White Hart 

In fact we liked it so much that we went through that very inviting arch and found a slightly newer pub behind and were able to look back at the ornate building from the rear and enjoy a very leisurely lunch. 
Rear of the old White Hart (now Nottingham building Society

And you will be pleased to know that Bobo is well but chose not to come down to ground level when Alice's eighteen month old grandson visited from Australia.  Sensible bear.  


  1. What beautiful buildings, enhanced with the lovely flower baskets.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful visit, I have been to Newark a few times and loved the market which had a few stalls that sold an array of fabric and crafty things.

    1. I was really sorry that there was no market the day we went but it was the only day Alice could manage. It really is a town centred on its market place
