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27 January 2025



Thirty days hath September,
April, June and November.
Unless a leap year is its fate,
February hath twenty-eight.
All the rest hath three days more,
excepting January,
which hath six thousand,
one hundred and eighty-four.

I think Brian Bilston has it absolutely right!


  1. I am kind of weird. Every other January seems to take forever to pass, this one though seemed to whiz right by.

    God bless.

  2. Brian Bilson has it spot on! Catriona

  3. Ohhh! Now I see why January has been going on and on . . . and on . . .Grey, wet, cold, cloudy, grey, wet, windy, cold . . . so very depressing and hopeless. Even wearing a bright red jumper cannot cheer me up. I shall hibernate until the heat of the sun wakes me up.

  4. Good morning, Mary! Actually, for me, January has flown by but I think that is because we have had a very mild winter so far….knock on wood…it feels like spring today although it is raining.
