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07 December 2024

I think I must be very good-natured or maybe just a mug


Not by Jack - his weren't as neat as this,
Jack and I always exchange Christmas presents.  We have done so for several years.  Some of his to me are unusual - anybody else get a tin of mushy peas and some kettle descaling tablets among the things they received last year?  No?  Then it'll just be me. (He is actually very generous and many gifts are very nice but he would have to admit that some are "unusual".) 

Anyway, Jack likes to buy each person several things.  This all fine and dandy but Jack is not the best present wrapper around.  I'm certain there was a whole roll of sellotape on the things I got last year.  I felt that he might appreciate a little help in the gift wrapping department so I invited him to come for help and a little tuition.

I think it may have been a revelation to him.  I suggested gift bags for awkwardly shaped presents.  We talked about the best sort of paper and how some paper is difficult to use and some are not eco friendly.  He discovered how to use a minimal amount of sellotape and how to attach a gift label.  We explored how to decide how much paper is needed for each present.

He didn't bring his presents for me but he has gone home knowing that their appearance will be his biggest test yet.  I'll let you know.

(He reads this blog regularly so now he knows he's got to do his best!  Tee hee!)


  1. Keeping my fingers cross for Jack's wrapping this year. I know he can do it.

    God bless.

    1. I'm hoping he reads that! He needs encouragement.
