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04 October 2022

G is for garden

The last few cosmos of summer

 The garden hasn't been as good as usual this year because I am waiting to have various alterations done to the house and that will risk damaging plants.   I chose not to buy lots of bedding plants rather than let them be run over by a digger.  However, the Mighty Jack has been doing his usual thing so it has still been pleasant to wander around my plot.  

The front garden is referred to as Jack's garden.  This means that he is allowed rather more leeway than in "my" garden which is behind the house.  He disapproves of poppies, hebes, foxgloves and lots of other things which I can't remember at the moment. (It's quite a long list!) I find it rather comforting that he disapproves of more than just me.  He didn't come for a while a few years  ago (health and family issues) so I snuck in various things.  Somehow, though, there weren't many poppies this year.  He doesn't know where they went, or so he says. 
The last of the summer veg and the promise of winter goodies!

I am allowed to have what I want in the back garden.  What I want is flowers and vegetables.  He doesn't mind that either but I insist they have to be grown together.  Personally I think that an obelisk covered with runner beans is a glory in any flower bed while tagetes and snapdragon deter various pests and attract bees and beneficial insects in the veg plot.  


  1. Gardening is fun. I just spent a bit of time in mine tending to plants caught by the frost this week, putting away pots and garden art. I took a tumble too stepping into the barn garden room with a large pot in hand. I have some bruises to show for it.

  2. A somewhat random question - why are bruises blue until old age comes along - and they turn red/pink. Never blue!

  3. The cosmos looks to have given you plenty of welcome colour even if you haven't done much in the garden this year. We moved house at the end of April so we've been busy indoors, the garden was neglected somewhat so I hope to give it a bit more attention next year. I agree about vegetables, their flowers can look just as pretty as ornamentals.

  4. Are you OK? You havn't posted for awhile. Love your blog.

    1. I'm fine! In fact I am enjoying my birthday today! But thank you for your concern.

    2. Happy belated birthday !!!
