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11 March 2021

What a difference a year makes!

On 11th March last year I decided to self isolate and I started a diary called, "Personal thoughts during a Pandemic" and I've made entries almost every day since.  When I looked back I was amused that I wrote "I reckon the “crisis” will last until at least Easter so my plan is for that period.  I need to keep myself active and happy. "  The Easter I was referring to was 2020!  By 14th March I had changed, "I’ve been listening to the news and I think this is going to be a very long haul."

England didn't go into lockdown until 23rd March.  We were very slow!  On 12th March the only concrete advice was not to go on a cruise and international school trips were banned.  The UK government was talking about herd immunity, conveniently forgetting that herd immunity happens when most of the herd has had the disease.  Residential homes were deemed to be low risk.  

Early on food supplies were a matter of concern with people buying an extra pack of loo rolls or tin of tuna "just in case".  My on-line food orders were missing frozen peas and broad beans, flour, UHT milk, bread, baked beans, sweetcorn, tonic water, tinned tomatoes and sanitiser.

Back in those early days there was a feeling of everyone pulling together.  We had a message from the Queen, Captain Tom was walking, engineering firms were making ventilators and anyone with a sewing machine was making masks and scrubs.  Each Thursday we went to our front doors and clapped, cheered or banged saucepan lids in support of carers.  It seemed as though everyone wanted to volunteer to do something.

And all the while the deaths in residential homes were rising, parents were having to learn how to teach their children and so many people, especially the young, feared for their jobs.  

We are living through significant times.  How will the world have changed?


  1. Good for you keeping a journal. The year has been a blur. It's hard to believe we managed to keep it away and stay healthy when so many wrote about not knowing how they caught it (e.g. my sister).
    How have we changed? Well lots of people became more tech savvy in order to survive (food orders) and have human contacts (Zoom and FaceTime).

  2. A journal is such a good idea and will be fascinating to read in the future, if and when we ever get out of this. So much of the year seems to have passed in a mist. England was so slow on the uptake, criminal really. I made over 100 masks, mainly for our Carers who hadn't been issued with any! Now of course they wear masks and visors.

  3. While I do not like the term "new normal" I really think that is what will be happening. However, I have learned much from this past year. Life is what you make of it, find joy in the small things, gratitude abounds for my family and friends. This has been a learning experience and I do so hope we take what we have learned and use it in our futures.

    God bless.

  4. Thank you for your encouraging comment on my blog as we go through this house selling and buying, yes change can be scary. Well done you keeping you diary. We have a changed world but blessings are all around us as peoople set up help groups. We were helped with getting our meds and milk, there's kindness all around.
