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26 October 2020

The kind people at No 25

In autumn last year, outside No 25 on a nearby street, there was a small, blue plastic table which was covered with patty pan squashes and a sign saying "Help yourself".  So I did.  I helped myself to several, brought them home and roasted them with homegrown tomatoes to make soup which I froze and ate during the winter.  It was delicious!

When I was writing my Christmas cards I had been enjoying the soup and I thought the kind donor of the squash might like one of my home-made cards but I didn't know their name so I just wrote, "To the kind people at No 25" and thought no more of it.

Last week my door bell rang and there stood a lady I had never seen before and she was holding a marrow and a butternut squash.  She was the kind lady from 25.  She had saved my card (I always print my name and address) and she had been so delighted to get it that she had brought me these gifts.

There really are kind people at No 25.


  1. How lovely. One good turn deserves another, as they say. Yum, I love squash.

  2. That was nice, good to have pleasant and helpful neighbours.

  3. I love this. Kindness and kindness back is a never ending circle. I cherish the cards you have sent in the physcial mail (And the e-cards as well)

  4. That was really kind of her. Enjoy both of those.
    Your letter is awaiting a trip to post office. I"m out of stamps.

  5. What a lovely surprise - enjoy more soup!

  6. The "Courgette Family" round the corner were delighted this summer when Rosie made them a thank you card. It costs nothing to say thankyou. But how lovely to receive this extra special gift!

  7. Enjoy your gifts. The people at #25 sure are lovely.

    God bless them and you for your kindness in making them a card.

  8. That is a nice circle of kindness.

  9. How lovely, and truly a circle of kindness. - Celie in USA

  10. There is so much sweetness in the world. It gets lost in the tumult sometimes but it is there. Thank you for sharing!
