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07 October 2017

Today is the day you meet a unicorn

Now there's lucky for you.  Unicorns are known to bring good luck so today is definitely your lucky day.  

I met this chap at the WI (Women's Institute) on Thursday.  He is wooden and was a little plain when I met him so I decorated him using pyrography (pokerwork).  It was my first shot at this craft but I was very well supervised!

I don't think I'll be doing any more so he's come on my blog to see if he can find any friends.  Any takers?


  1. He's very sweet. Maybe he could have a red scarf and hang on your Christmas tree?

    1. Actually he's going toa special Christmas tree but I shall tell you more at a later date.

  2. Elizabeth has said exactly what I was going to say!

  3. Now that is a craft I have never tried but love the idea of it. Looking forward to hearing more about the special Christmas tree.
