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04 July 2017

The Sting in the Tail

I love small town life!  Many people would call Caistor (population 2600) a village but Caistorians are adamant that they live in a town.  

We have quite a lot of community events.  Last week was the scarecrow trail and open gardens, this week was the street party and 10k run, known as "The Sting in the Tail".  The "Sting" is the hill on which Caistor is built and which those poor runners have to get up right at the end of the run.  

Over 500 people took part this year, coming from towns and villages up to thirty miles away. Some brave souls run in fancy dress and our community also turns out to cheer them on.
 Most are rather more conventionally dressed but still cheered enthusiastically.
There are nice, "encouraging" signs around

And money is raised for local charities. 


  1. It sounds as though you have a thriving community there.

  2. It looks like a lovely place to be!

  3. Sounds like a really fun event and a lovely community spirit.
