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05 July 2015

Bless you, Princess

Yesterday I was frightened.  I was out on my trundle truck when three young men began shouting at me.  Actually I think it was an excess of beer which was shouting at me but whatever it was, I was frightened.

The shouting was of the “Give us a lift” variety (with a few personal remarks) which I am quite used to (without the personal remarks) and it is usually friendly but this time it felt threatening.  I had no choice but to go very close to them on the pavement (you can’t just cross the street on a TT!) so I just smiled and went past.

Just over a year ago I was coming back from London on a train and I had treated myself to a seat in the first class quiet coach.    There was a hiatus and a group of about a dozen young men came into the carriage, being ushered through by railway staff.  The lads were all determined to travel first class on standard class tickets and the staff were determined that wasn’t going to happen.  The ringleader was wearing a magnificent jester’s hat and suddenly he saw little old me, wearing my dog collar and sitting very quietly hoping they would just go past.  He went very quiet and the rest of the group realised he had seen something and they too started to stare at me.  Suddenly the leader laid his hand on my shoulder and said, “Aw, bless you Princess!” and off they trotted down the carriage like a flock of well-behaved lambs.  I sat and giggled for the rest of my journey.

Most people treat me with courtesy and consideration and in truth yesterday was the first time in five years of using my TT that I have really felt frightened.  Don’t worry, I’m OK and shall be out and about trundling again very soon.


  1. I'm so sorry you had to experience this, some people can be totally tits (excuse my language). Happy future trundling xx

    1. Thank you. Fortunately the tits are a tiny minority.

  2. I am so sorry you had to go through that. I really don't know what is wrong with people these days but I have to say that I feel threatened more and more everywhere I go and people don't even have to say anything to me. I think it is because I am old that I feel like I could be an easy victim. Glad you are ok, for sure and glad to see that you are undaunted!

    1. I don't often feel threatened - indeed I think of my vulnerability as my protection which is why I included the "bless you princess" story. My problem is sometimes that people think that because I have mobility issues I must be a bit dim! This incident was so rare that for me it was worthy of comment. It won't affect my behaviour because I still think of the world as a kind place.

    2. Well, I am glad you are ok and if people think you are "dim" I dare them to take you on! But, I agree -- so many times, in many instances, people judge on what they see and most times they are wrong!

  3. That was supposed to say "older" because I don't feel "old" yet! Maybe tomorrow!

  4. So glad you are OK, the ignorance of people never ceases to amaze me. Both my husband and father use wheelchairs and people often talk to me instead of them, they have problems with their mobility not their brains...

  5. Young people can be so very thoughtless. So sorry you had to endure something that was frightening.

  6. We have experienced similar although some people are very kind.

    Our son is very visibly physically disabled and when he has his hat off in shops ( he has to wear one all year round because of skin cancers caused by radiotherapy many years ago) no-one can fail to see his terrible head scars and partly sunken skull one side as he has lost his hair permanently.

    Sometimes, they stare but once he speaks they lose their embarrassment. As our son says, if I have to live with it, then surely they can accept looking at it. I'm sorry you felt threatened, but I'm sure you and he have the same attitude which helps you cope with such incidents.

  7. Many thanks for all the kind replies. The trundle truck will be trundling again today, never fear!
