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25 July 2015

A bit of creativity.

Yesterday was a brilliant day.

Yesterday was crafting day at Mandy's.  I made four cards but I've given away one already.  Sorry!


  1. Do you make up the patterns and shaping so get the geometry right? I remember your post on making all those invitations. These are stunning and clever.

  2. What nice cards! You definitely have the gift of creativity. I hope to try my hand at this soon -- will be posting later on my latest "creative" effort.

  3. Thank you all for your very kind comments but I have to come clean - these cards are copies of Mandy's creativity! I do make cards "out of my head" but these are not they!

  4. Mandy definitely has a talent for design but you certainly have a steady hand for putting it together. Always nice to get together for some crafting.

  5. Beautiful! I still have my birthday card from you (from February) sitting on my front book case. It's just so pretty!

  6. You all sound very determined to compliment me! All I can say is thank you.
