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07 June 2015

Oh dear!

This time the "oh dear" doesn't concern Jack's digestive system, rather it is an "oh dear" because my pooter is having a hissy fit.  This means I can't upload photographs and writing new posts is difficult so I shall save the details of Jack's latest visit until I can include piccies.  I am waiting for the computer doctor to call me.  


  1. I am not sure it is YOU, its the system!! - I have had problems with my blog for over a week - "Live writer" has been playing up, and this is the second blogpost I have read today from someone who is unable to post photos.

    1. Thanks Angela, but it is the computer. The screen is completely blank although various lights flash. I'm using a laptop which is about ten years old and steam powered to do very simple things but it isn't up to uploading photos.

  2. Hope you manage to get it fixed, looking forward to hearing all about your visit from Jack, what did you feed him this time?
