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24 April 2015

Twenty one today

That’s what I am!  No, I haven’t started counting my age (rapidly!) backwards.  It is twenty one years ago today since I was ordained priest.

Ordination day
It was a wonderful day.  I was ordained with twenty five other women at Lichfield Cathedral and that same evening I celebrated the Eucharist for the first time in Shrewsbury Abbey.  I was among the first women ordained in this country – the very first had been ordained a month earlier at Bristol – and I broke a tradition of over nine hundred years by being the first woman celebrant at Shrewsbury Abbey, founded over nine hundred years ago as a monastery for men.  

These years have been eventful.    I served a further year at Shrewsbury Abbey before becoming Rector of five small parishes here in Lincolnshire.  I have been chaplain to the High Sheriff of the county, chaplain to an ex-servicemen’s association and chaplain to the chair of our District Council.   I have visited in prisons, hospitals and many, many homes.    I have sat with the dying, prepared couples for their weddings and blessed and baptised tiny babies.

Five years ago ill health forced me to retire very early and I thought that my priestly ministry would come to an end.  For a while I was unable to exercise a public ministry as I was carer for my sister who was dying of cancer and emotionally I was stressed out, but for the last four years I have donned the dog collar every Sunday and again I am preaching the Good News of God’s love.

One day I shall not be needed for this sort of ministry for God continues to call younger people and indeed one day he will call me to heaven but I give thanks that for the past twenty one years I have been able to serve him in this way. 


  1. Congratulations on your 21 years, a truly wonderful achievement and something to be proud of. Sending you a big hug.

  2. Happy Ordination Anniversary! I can't think of any better path to follow than that which Christ has lead you down. Such a wonderful, fulfilling career -- I am proud of you. Thank you for posting this photos -- you look just as I thought you would!

    1. Thank you - but I am half as old again as I was on that photo!

    2. I doubt you have changed much! It is a lovely photo!

  3. A lovely post - it is Vocation Sunday this weekend - and so lovely to read today how you have answered His Call. God bless you in your ministry - He is still using you, and will go on doing so, I am sure! Blessings xx

  4. This post made me smile and smile the whole way through. Congratulations on 21 years and certainly on being one of the first. Well done... a lot of lives have been blessed by yours!

  5. What a wonderful day for you. Congratulations on your years of ministry. You will still be ministering in many differen ways, including your blog.

  6. Thank you.

    For some reason whenever you comment on my blog it publishes twice! I've deleted one - no offence but it just looks a bit strange to have the same comment twice!

  7. I have just found this blog some 16 months since you wrote it and so you will probably not read this, but I just wanted to say that you have certainly brought calmness and thoughtfulness into my life and I thank you for your friendship.
