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08 April 2015

Civic Pride

I was so excited to get my trundle truck back that I just had to go out and enjoy this glorious day.  I just went into Caistor - and that is a lovely thing to do.

People here take a pride in our tiny town.  Daffodils have been planted and benches put at strategic points so we can enjoy them.

The local chapel made a cross of daffodils last Sunday and again there are benches to encourage people just to sit and think.

Our local history is honoured with the old fire station having a cheerful red front door and Horsefair still has its horse - albeit a wooden one!

Natural features are appreciated - I always enjoy going past this spring.  

And this Sunday is our Community Big Tidy Up.  Most people would say we don't need it - but folk around here take a pride in our town.

I like living here.


  1. So pleased that you are mobile again.

  2. Glad you are able to get about again and nice to know that people take a pride in where they live.

  3. It looks like a lovely place to live!

  4. it does have civic pride and it shows.

  5. I like the idea of a community clean up :) We have beach clean ups, but I think we need more urban clean ups, especially all the fast food rubbish!
