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19 February 2015

Memories and Calmness and Security

We had a lovely family lunch on Sunday and it may be that sometime I shall write up a bit more about my Grandma but for the moment, no.  I need to sit and think a little bit more.  Instead I shall write a little about my life in my own home

One thing distinguished my home from many others.  I know no Brit older than me who was born into a household where there was already a television.  My Father used to have to go away from home on business trips and a couple of months before I made my arrival in October 1951 he bought Mother a TV to keep her company when he was away.  It was not until the coronation in 1953 that TVs started to become more usual.

opening title screen
Picture Book
Every afternoon before I started schoolMother and I would settle down to “Watch with Mother”.  Mondays meant “Picture Book” and the other weekdays were “Andy Pandy”, “Bill and Ben”, “Rag, Tag and Bobtail” and “The Woodentops”.  

Image result for andy pandy
Looby Loo, Andy Pandy and Teddy
Image result for bill and ben the flowerpot men
Bill and Ben

Image result for rag tag and bobtail
Rag, Tag and Bobtail
Image result for woodentops
The Woodentops

Friday was my favourite day for the Woodentop family included The Biggest Spotty Dog You Ever Did See!  Mother would sit in the front of her armchair leaving a space behind where I would snuggle while she did her endless knitting. 

My memories of childhood are of safety and calm.  Looking back I was indeed privileged.

1 comment:

  1. Our family didnt have a Television for years. We went to watch what we could see of the Coronation at a neighbour's house.
