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23 February 2015


I had a lovely surprise present this morning – ten seed potatoes!  I realise that might not be everyone’s idea of bliss but ten seed potatoes are potentially ten wonderful harvests.  And even more, they are the cue for a bit of dreaming.
Pink Fir Apples

The weather is a bit iffy but we are nearly at the end of February.  Next week it will be March and then the garden will be calling.  What shall I grow this year?

Potatoes obviously.  The ten I have been given are Pink Fir Apples but I’ve got International Kidney, Vivaldi and Swift as well and I shall look for a couple more.  Even the names are triggers for dreams!  I shall grow some Nantes carrots to eat as lovely tender finger sized vegetables and I’ve got some seed for Paris Market, a round carrot which is delicious when eaten at radish size.
Paris Market carrots

Nantes carrots

Broad beans

There will have to be broad beans – they’re just about my favourite vegetable.  I haven’t decided which type yet but they will be going in soon. A little later runner beans will go in.  I’m told that they were originally grown in English gardens for their flowers and there’s no wonder at that.  They add height and interest to my plot.

Runner beans
The next couple of weeks will indeed be a time of dreaming – I haven’t even thought about flowers or salads yet.  Then will come hard work and waiting.  Finally, bliss – the joy of home grown veg!

Yes, spring is on its way!

1 comment:

  1. I am no good at gardening so I am just going to have to enjoy your photos.
