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26 July 2014

Wentworth Puzzles

Sorry to keep going on about it, but it’s just too hot!

Today I really can’t be bothered to do anything.  However, I have taken myself in hand and have decided to do a few jigsaws.  I’ve got quite a few which I haven’t done for years so I decided to do them one last time and then to put them on eBay.

I’d never been a fan of jigsaws until someone introduce me to the glories of Wentworth puzzles.  Wentworth have been making jigsaws for only twenty years but the style is apparently one which goes back to Victorian times.  The jigsaws are wooden an include” whimsies” – pieces cut in special shapes to go with the theme of the puzzles.  So, for example this Christmas puzzle has pieces shape like Father Christmas, a teddy bear, a snowflake, a toy rabbit and a tree.

And the wildlife ones sometimes have pieces like an elephant, a lion, a rhinoceros, a camel and an ape.

They are fun to do.  They are puzzles for adults rather than children (although some children might disagree).  I’ve got loads of them and tomorrow evening a few will be listed on eBay.  I need the space rather than the puzzles so at least the hot weather is making me declutter a bit!