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08 July 2014

Joy cometh in the garden

Five summers ago I had to downsize – Big Time.  I had lived alone in a four bedroom, three reception room house which was tied to my job.  Not only was it a large house, it had a large garden which should have been a joy but it became a burden.   Now I have retired I have a neat little bungalow with a nice little garden and it is a joy. 

I have the help of a very energetic man, Jack, who does most of my gardening and quite a lot of jobs in the house.  Like me, Jack isn’t getting any younger so we agreed that the best plan would be to create a garden which can become low maintenance.  At the moment I grow annuals and vegetables (which is not low maintenance), but as I age and become more decrepit, perennials and shrubs will take their place. 

 However, at the moment it’s vegetables and bedding and I like to mix them.  Jack doesn’t really approve of that: he likes veg in one place and flowers in another but tough, my garden and my rules.  Anyway, what could be more glorious than an obelisk covered with runner beans or flowers and herbs growing next to the tomatoes.  My hanging basket stand has strawberry plants and I grow potatoes in ornamental flower pots.

I like life to be like that - fun, mixed up, quirky.  Retirement is a time of freedom from rules and expectations. It's time to enjoy the fruits of my labours.   And I'm loving it!


  1. Hi Frugally challenged, thanks for following my blog. Patchwork, growing, cooking and making a mess - your blog sounds right up my street! Looking forward to hearing all about it. Any chance of a picture of the trundle wagon?

  2. I keep trying to remember to take a picture of the trundle truck and just as ofte keep forgetting! I will try harder. Enjoying your blog too.

  3. I love the title "joy cometh in the garden." I couldn't agree more. I'm very new to growing produce (have been maintaining perennials I received from my Grandmother for years) but my little bits of garden bring me such joy! Yours, in the photos are just LOVELY!

  4. Thank you Rivulet. I know you are in America so I don't really know what would be suitable for you but my first picture includes runner beans growing up the supports. They are really easy to grow here. They need water and they need support but once the beans come there is no stopping them and they are so good. And don't they look pretty now!
