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03 March 2025

Happy Birthday, Jack!

 I visited you on Saturday and you seem set for a very good birthday which will last for several days.  I won't tell everyone how old you are but I thought this photograph from four years ago would be OK for today.  You mentioned a pretty good supply of birthday cakes which have been promised so I don't think you'll starve.

It's quite a long time since you first told me that my garden looked a mess and responded to my challenge to do something about it.  I don't regret the challenge - do you regret picking up that particular gauntlet? (or gardening glove?)

We've had very different life paths and I think we've each learnt quite a lot from the other but I'm sure you'll understand when I say I'd rather not learn your culinary techniques.  Maybe you haven't wanted to learn some of my gardening ideas either.  Tough!

I hope you enjoy the present I left for you when I came.  And I'm sure you'll have a lovely week.

Love, The Vicar. XX


  1. Jack's been very faithful yo you over the years and I think cared for your garden as though it was his won.. Happy Birthday Jack!

    1. As if were his own? Half of it is called Jack's garden! Thank you on his behalf - he can see comments but not reply.

  2. Happy birthday Jack, thank you for being a good friend to the Vicar!

  3. Happy Birthday Jack. I hope you enjoy all the cakes the Vicar says are coming your way.

    God bless.

    1. Have no worries on that score. He will relish every mouth full.

  4. What a wonderful friendship you two have.

  5. Happy birthday, Jack. I'm glad the Vicar has you to take care of her garden. I've a friend named Mike who has been taking care of my garden for the past 32 years. It's more his garden now, than mine!
