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23 July 2023


 This isn't about the break I have had from my blog - although I apologise.

It's about a short break I had just a few miles from home.

An acquaintance was worrying about her dogs as she couldn't get a sitter while she had a short break, so I volunteered.  She's now a friend!

It was sheer delight to stay in her lovely home.  Didn't I have a wonderful view every time I opened the front door?  All that stood between me and these trees was a ha-ha.  

And Hiccup?  She's the border terror shown here with her younger sister, Holly.  

A glorious break for me.  And my new friend was able to enjoy her holiday in Florence. 


  1. I was wondering if you were OK. How kind of you to help someone out like that, and how lovely your surroundings. Hiccup and Holly look sweet little things, so I hope they weren't too much trouble.

    1. Hiccup was no bother. As for Holly. I couldn't possibly comment!

  2. What a magical thing to do, they look lovely dogs.

  3. What a pair of cuties. You could actually say you had a break as well. Welcome back to blogging.

    God bless.

    1. Oh yes, this was definitley a free holiday for me. A win:win all round.

  4. A good deed done with wonderful results.

    1. The result definitely outweighed the goodness of the deed.

  5. Lovely to know that from a good deed, you found a good friend. That also happened to me when I saw on our village Facebook page an appeal for transport to a hospital appointment. I was irritated by the number of people who had replied to her appeal with comments about 'I would love to help, but . . . . ' followed by various reasons stating how busy they were (then why bother replying???) So I contacted the lady and offered to take her to her appointment. Since then, my new friend and I meet weekly for a coffee and catch-up at a local cafe and have enjoyed several outings together as well as enjoying afternoons spent in our gardens when the weather allows. It does us both good to get out and about and put the world to rights. Best wishes, Mary - Rosemary x

    1. That is really lovely! Another good deed which has resulted in friendship. I remember our meet from a few years ago - pity we can't meet again (just yet).

    2. That was when you showed your skill as a driver - trying to avoid my crazy dog who insisted in wandering in front of your trundle truck! Unfortunately, these days I rarely use my car thanks to poor eyesight and a lack of confidence.

  6. Awww, they're so cute. I won't put Archie in kennels and it was a bit of a worry when Eleanor got married last year because we were staying at the hotel overnight, and obviously, all our friends and family who we'd usually ask to have him were at the wedding. A friend of a relative stepped in and had him while we were at the wedding, it was such a relief, as I'm sure it was to your new friend.

  7. That sounds like a mini-vacation for you, the dogs are cuties and the view serene.
