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18 June 2020

A couple of smiles for a rainy day

Jack asked me to pass this on to you. 

The value of old age
Remember old folk are worth a fortune. They’ve got silver in their hair, gold in their teeth, stones in their kidneys and gas in their stomachs.
I have become a little older since I spoke to you last. Changes have come into my life. I am a frivolous old girl and I’m seeing five gentlemen each day. As soon as I wake, Will Power helps me out of bed. Then I go and visit Lou, then next I go to Mr Quaker who gives me my oats.
They leave and Arthur Ritus shows up and he stays all day but he doesn’t stay in one place very long. He takes me from joint to joint and after such a busy life I am ready for bed with Johnny Walker – what a life! Oh, ad I’m flirting with Al Zymer.
The vicar came the other day and said, At your age shouldn’t you be thinking of the hereafter?” I told, “Oh but I do! No matter where I am, in the lounge, in the kitchen or in a shop, I ask myself ‘Now, what am I here-after?’”

Do you Remember Welly Dog?  ?  He was desperate to join the Fire Brigade.

I have been out a little on my trundle truck and I went past our Fire Station.  It seems he has achieved his ambition and become a fire fighter.  Go, Welly Dog!  

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